Automobile Accidents

Auto Accident Attorney
Serving Clients Throughout Marksville, Alexandra, LA & All of Louisiana

Barry Laiche & Associates can help clients who have been injured in car accidents in the Marksville and Alexandria, LA area. Unfortunately, vehicle accidents are a common occurance. We rely on our vehicles more than ever these days and the amount of time we spend on the road makes it increasingly likely that you will be involved in an accident.

Barry Laiche & Associates would be happy to talk to you in the aftermath of a car accident. We can help you file a personal injury claim and provide all the advice you need after an accident. Our experienced automobile accident attorney can protect your rights and recover the compensation you are entitled to.

Automobile Accident Attorney Alexandria, LA

Auto Accident Do's and Don'ts

DO get the treatment you need, but make sure to document both your injuries and the treatment involved. Record which medical providers that have treated you and ask them to list your symptoms and document your injuries. Keep all prescription receipts, as you may be able to get reimbursed.

DO attend all appointments scheduled with your doctors. Not only will that help you feel better, but it will signal to insurance companies that your injury is serious.

DO contact your insurance company as soon as possibly to report the accident.

DO take photos! Don't just take pictures of your car and the accident, but also record your injuries. 

DO contact our automobile accident attorney so we can familiarize ourself with your case and defend your rights as soon as possible.

DON'T forget to document the accident, your injuries, and your doctor visits.

DON'T discuss fault or apologize for anything, as it can be considered evidence that you were legally at fault for the accident.

DON'T settle. Often times, insurance companies try to convince people to settle within a few days of an accident. Do not settle and contact our automotive accident attorneys to get the compensation you deserve!

What Do Automobile Accident Attorneys Do?

There are many ways that hiring an automobile accident attorney can help you after you've been in a wreck. Your primary concern will be covering the costs of lost wages, medical bills, ongoing treatment, and other expenses. An automobile accident attorney is here to assist with that; we can perform the following services to help you:

  • Conduct an Investigation: We can review police reports, medical records, surveillance footage, and eyewitness testimonies to help demonstrate the circumstances of the crash and the events leading up to it.
  • Build a Case: We'll use the details of the incident to prove who was at fault and demonstrate the value of your losses.
  • Meet Deadlines: Auto accident claims have statutes of limitations and strict deadlines to file paperwork. Your automobile accident attorney will ensure that all deadlines are met so your claim is valid.
  • Negotiate: For you, this is a stressful situation that you're not sure how to navigate, but our experienced attorney has dealt with cases like your before. We know how to negotiate with insurance companies, other attorneys, and all other associated parties to work towards the best possible outcome. This takes the burden off your shoulders and provides peace of mind.
  • Appeal: Insurance companies do not always have your best interests at heart. Many agencies will attempt to offer less than what your injuries are worth in an attempt to save money. In other cases, they will deny your claim outright. Whether you need to appeal a decision or you want to make sure that your first filing is as successful as possible, an automobile accident attorney can help advance your interests.

Reach out to our office in the Marksville and Alexandria, LA area to schedule a consultation!

Benefits of Hiring an Automobile Accident Attorney

  • Handling Insurance: After the car accident, you are likely to engage with an insurance company to get compensated. However, to get substantial compensation from the insurance company, you must put up a fight. Automobile accident attorneys have dealt with the insurance companies for years and know how to fight and win.
  • Proving Your Injuries: In order to be compensated for a claim, you must first prove that you have sustained injuries in the accident. Just showing scars or broken limbs will not be enough for your claim, unfortunately. Your automobile accident attorney will thoroughly investigate and gather evidence to build a strong and winning case for your claim.
  • Determine Value of Claim: Without prior knowledge of claim evaluation, you might end up filing for a very low or very high figure. The wrong value decreases the chance of winning the case, or you end up paying some expenses from your pocket. To ensure you are fairly compensated, work with a reputable automobile accident attorney.
  • Representation in Court: If there is no fair settlement agreed upon after the negotiation phase, your case will be brought to trial in court. In the court, you will need to prove your case to a jury and against skilled attorneys of the insurance companies. A knowledgeable automobile accident attorney will represent you to ensure all the correct things are said in court.

Experienced Automobile Accident Attorney -

Barry Laiche On Your Side


Barry Laiche & Associates has represented auto accident victims in hundreds of serious cases throughout the Marksville and Alexandria, LA areas. We can go over the specific details of your accident to determine who was at fault and assure your rights are protected. Our automobile accident attorney can make sure the insurance companies are held accountable.


Trust the experience and expertise of Barry Laiche & Associates. We are here to help you find a reasonable outcome after a car accident. Call us right away after you’ve been in an accident.


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